Klioh Studio

How to edit


Below are a number of tutorials videos to help you edit your site using CloudCannon.
If you can't see the topic you are looking for, email me with any questions.

Getting Started

This video covers -
1. Logging in and navigating your dashboard
2. Where you can edit your content - on the right & left hand side of the page
3. Changing text, adding links and changing images


Uploading, Changing & Optimising Images

This video covers -
1. How to change and add new images to your site
2. How to optimise your images before uploading them
3. The importance of naming your image correctly before uploading


Editing Repeated Sections (left panel)

This video covers how to edit sections that are repeated on your page and appear as editable in the left panel including -
1. Using the occassional HTML tag in your paragraphs
2. Changing images and titles
3. Best practise to avoid mistakes


Adding New Repeated Sections (left panel)

This video covers how to add a new sections that are repeated on your page and appear as editable in the left panel including -
1. Using the occassional HTML tag in your paragraphs
2. Changing images and titles
3. Best practise to avoid mistakes


How to Upload a Document (PDF)

This video covers -
1. How to name your file before uploading
2. How to link the new file to the correct part of the page


Uploading a Video to your Online Library

This video covers -
1. How to name your file before uploading
2. How to link the new file to the correct part of the page


Adding new company/client logos

If your website contains a slider to feature company/client logos, this PDF covers how you can add new logos yourself.


Introduction to editing on CloudCannon

Important things to remember -
1. If you cannot edit on the right hand side (where you can see your site), always check the left panel. Your content is split in order to optimise the site so you may have to edit it in different places.
2. Always check the mobile version after you make edits by making the screen smaller
3. When you click 'Save' your changes will go live straight away! So edit at times you don't think as many people will be on your site, and ensure to have a version up so you can triple check all of your changes.

Uploading, Changing & Optimising Images

Important things to remember -
1. You must remember to name your image without spaces or capital letters
2. Always check the mobile version after you change the image by making the screen smaller, you may need to change the mobile image

Optimising Steps

Step 1 - Resize your images according to below guidelines on Bulk Resize Website Step 2 - Run your images through Tiny PNG Website

Set the width when optimising as follows -

Full page image (full screen width) - 1900PX

Half page image (1/2 screen) - 1000PX

Quarter page image (1/4 screen) - 700PX

Editing Repeated Sections (left panel)

If you have repeated sections on your page, you will need to edit the text/images/links in the left panel

Important things to remember -
1. Bring up the section you are trying to edit on the right hand screen so that don't try to edit anything that you cannot see on your page to the right

2. You won't see the changes until you click 'Save'

Adding Repeated Sections (left panel)

If you have repeated sections on your page, you will need to edit the text/images/links in the left panel

Important things to remember -
1. Bring up the section you are trying to edit on the right hand screen so that don't try to edit anything that you cannot see on your page to the right

2. You won't see the changes until you click 'Save'

How to Upload a Document (PDF)

This video covers -
1. How to name your file before uploading
2. How to link the new file to the correct part of the page

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